8th Month in the Mission

Friday, August 22, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 127 to 129  |

AUGUST 20, 2014:
Elder Irabon, Elder Aguilando, and I turned 8th months of being a missionary today. It's awesome that we're all housemates. We had a productive day today. We taught a lot of people and help them come closer to Christ. Walking in the river to cross the other side and get wet is a normal routine for me since I got assigned here. I got used to it and don't mind it at all even in high tide. I'm glad that my companion is also okay with this. We finished the important lessons for the Castillo siblings and they are ready for their baptism. On our next visit, we will review the BIQs with them. The ZLs are also in town today.

Elder Feraer and Elder Aguilando
Our dinner, "baby octopus".

AUGUST 21, 2014:
We had a District Meeting in the morning with the Zone Leaders. Supposedly, we also have exchanges with them today but it didn't fell through because of the heavy rains and there's also a flood in our area. So we just spent our time studying and jam afterward. Elder Moran borrowed a guitar nearby and Elder Centeno played it. He's good! It was fun.

We finally executed our previous plan of scaring the ZLs. We waited for a perfect opportunity at night and during the lights off. Elder Aguilando and I did our previous routine and we targeted Elder Fifita (a big Polynesian guy). After a lot of attempts of trying to wake him up, he suddenly notices it and he was super scared and shouted out of fear!! HAHAHA. 😂 It was a successful prank! We all laugh together! 😁 He said that he really thought it's a ghost. 😅

AUGUST 22, 2014:
We reviewed all the BIQs to the Castillo siblings and Bro. Francis in the afternoon. All of them are now prepared for the interview in the evening.

Evening came, Elder Moran interviewed them in the meeting house and they all passed! They are all ready to be baptized! 😀 After the interviews, Pres. Molina and his family treat us dinner. Elder Irabon and I are really craving prawns! Haha.

Elder Irabon and me.


Notable moments of August 20 to 22:
  • 8th Month in the Mission
  • We taught:
    • Castillo Siblings - Law of Chastity + Word of Wisdom
    • Digz - L2
    • Tuquero Siblings - Scripture Study
    • Bro. Alvin - Follow the Prophet
    • Daisy - Teaching and Learning in the Church
    • Sis. Lea Interior - Endure to the End
    • Julius - Temple and Family History
    • Kristine - Teaching and Learning in the Church
  • San Vicente District Meeting X
  • Transferring my small old BR pages to a new one.
  • Jamming with Elder Centeno
  • Annabelle prank on Elder Fifita
  • We taught:
    • Francis - BIQ
    • Abel - BIQ
    • JR - BIQ
    • Analiza - BIQ
    • Hutch John - BIQ
  • Francis, Abel, JR, Analiza, and Hutch John passed the BIQs.
  • Dinner at Molina Family

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