Second Area: Bagamanoc, Catanduanes

Thursday, April 17, 2014


APRIL 17, 2014:
This place is really beautiful. 😍 I love this new ambiance and it really feels like the other side of heaven. Of course, there's also a downside like we don't have running water in the apartment so we have to pile up water outside. Electricity last night is kinda on and off. They said that it's normal to lose electrical power for a long period of minutes or even hours. It is also summer season so the hot weather is not also helping. This place is also really far from the city. This will be a new challenge and adjustment for me and I know it will be better someday and I'll get used to this.

Today was also our very first District Meeting here in San Vicente. Elder Moran is our District Leader and he is also newly transferred here like me. He is a very funny person. Haha. We also knew why we're transferred here, because of the NPA sightings in this area the Americans were pulled out for the safety of the foreigners. In my previous district, we are 14 missionaries and now we are only 4. 😅 After the D.M. we went to Bro. Bernard's place and we cross over the river and It was really cool. 😀

In the afternoon we went to our assigned area and it is called Sagrada. Our first appointment is with the Gonzales siblings. They will be baptized on Saturday! Wow. I just came here and there's a baptism already line up. I didn't expect this. I'm excited already for their nearing baptism! 😀 It's really challenging to teach many people today because of the MYC and the Holy Week so we only had two lessons all day. E. Bacalso also introduced me to some leaders and members. People here are also nice to us.


Notable moments of this day:
  • San Vicente District Meeting I
  • First day in Sagrada
  • We taught:
    • Gonzales Siblings - BIQ
    • Elijah (recent convert) - Words of Wisdom
  • Met some of the leaders and members

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