Minaili Farewell

Saturday, January 10, 2015

BAGAMANOC | Day 270 |

JANUARY 10, 2015:
Day two and the last day of my farewell visits. This time I solely focus on Minaili area. I also did what I did yesterday. I gathered some of my stuff and gave it also to some members here in Minaili for remembrance purposes. I also made BR pages for my missionary housemates/district mates. Of course, the one that I gave to my companion and trainee was a special one. 😁 We as housemates also traded SRs. I also had photos with every family and individual that we visited today.

Bro. Albert Villamartin's Family - They're definitely one of the nicest families here in Minaili. They are a happy family too. 
I'm thankful for Nanay who made my Shin Chan cottonless inside. I requested it so I can still keep it in my luggage. She's a skillful seamstress.
Got stuck on this deep mud on my way to Castillo's place.
Castillo Family (Most of the family members are still not around when I arrived) - One of the closest family to me in Minaili. I'm thankful that I met them and had a chance to share the gospel with this wonderful and kind family. Three members (Abel, Abelardo Jr., Analiza) of their family are our recent converts.
with Ericson and Francis
Villamartin Family - They're the best cook in Minaili! At least half of my meals during my 10 months here are courtesy of Nanay. I always bought cooked rice, "ulam", and other stuff from them. It was always delicious and I especially like their squid dish.
Molina Family - This is our Branch President's family. One of the respectable and good families in Minaili. Pres. Molina and Sister Veny are both good leaders and teachers. They are also kind to us missionaries. Every single Sunday since I arrived here they always treat us to lunch in their home. That's a lot of free lunch! 😃 Their niece, Ivy and Janine are also Elder Aguilando and I's recent converts. That's why they are also extra special for me. They are also good, smart, and kind young women. Shiela too.
Left: with Lola Villamartin | Right: with Shiela
with Ivy, Janine, and Shiela
with Branch President Molina
Rica's Family - I've recently known them but they are also nice to me. Rica's one of our progressing investigators.
with Bro. Ener (I visited his family yesterday)
Idanan Siblings - They're recent converts. Even though I'm not the missionary assigned in their area, they're somewhat close to me especially Ericson. He's a funny dude. He also works with us sometimes. Jessica too.
Oben Family - Francis is also one of our recent converts. He is also good and funny. Together with Ericson, you'll definitely laugh at their hilarious jokes. His family is also nice to me. Nanay Oben was also from Cavite before. 
Lanon Family - One of the nicest families to all of us missionaries. Even though they are not part of my assigned area, there are times that they also invited our companionship to eat at their home. They made really good dried fish. Nanay Lanon is also good at cooking. Tatay Lanon is one of the nicest Priesthood in the branch. He is always the one who leads and with us every time we go out and had an activity near the sea or on the other island. They also have three good kids (Lorenz, Henrick, and Angel) and they are all nice to me.
Benaldo Family - Nanay Trining is also a recent convert. Even though I'm not assigned to their area I also witnessed her baptism. I also heard her first-ever testimony as a member and I'm moved by what she said. Nanay has a really strong faith in our Heavenly Father. Clarisse is a kind and shy teen. She's also nice to me. 
Garcia Family - They are a fun, loving, joyful, generous, and kind family. In all of the families that I'm not assigned to, they are the family that I am more close with. It's always fun to be around them. I became close first with Bro. Bernard. He always worked with us in my early days here in this branch. Then I became close with his parents and siblings. My favorite dish that they cooked and prepared is the papaya sardines dish. Sister Nini and Vergie are also nice to me. Monica too, they are all kind to me.

Compare to Sagrada, our area in Minaili is not that big but I'm happy that there's also a lot of families and individuals here that are close to me. I think that's also one of the perks of being around in an area for too long. I'll definitely miss all of them and hopefully, someday when I return they still know me too. John 12:2


Notable moments of this day:
  • Minaili Farewell Tour

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