Sagrada Farewell

Friday, January 09, 2015

 BAGAMANOC | Day 269 |

JANUARY 9, 2015:
It is day one of my farewell visits. I solely focus on visiting members in Sagrada today. Honestly, I still can't accept that I'll be leaving in the next few days. I want to stay a little longer but I can't... 😔 This is part of the mission life, it's really hard when you'll leave the area that you love and worked hard for. Just like in my first area. This time I'm more attached because I stayed much much longer in here. I have to accept it but it will definitely take some time before I move on.

I gathered some of my stuff and I gave it to the members/family that I visited today for remembrance purposes. It is also my way of saying that I'm grateful for their kindness and I'm glad of being part of their lives. I also had a picture with them.

The Lopez Family - They are my extended family here in San Vicente Branch. Bro. Magin and Sis. Hermie even called me their adopted son. Whenever they had some occasion they always invited us. Nanay Hermie's cooking skill is exceptional too. I really felt that they are my parents here. Their daughters Sis. Matet, Shane, Hermaine, and Gina are also nice to me. Hermaine and I also shared the same birth date. She's also a good friend to me.
Julius - He's a newly baptized kid when I got here. He's a playful kid.
Idio Siblings - Two of the smartest kids here in Sagrada. I enjoyed teaching Elijah and he has the potential to be a good missionary someday.
Gonzales Siblings - They are our first two baptisms in San Vicente Branch together with Elder Bacalso. They are both extra special to me. They are kind and smart kids too. 
Tolin Siblings - Gleziel and Ezekiel are both shy and smart when I first got here. Eventually, they became more jolly people along the way. They are also kind.
Ibardaloza Family - Another good family in Sagrada. Tatay Rosalito is one of the scripturally knowledgeable Priesthood members in San Vicente Branch. His kids are also good and kind to us. Bro. Robert when he's still here always go and worked with us. He's also become one of my friends here.
Candelaria Family - One of the kindest families here in Sagrada. They are also a helpful family in their community. There were also numerous times that they invited us for lunch and dinner appointments. Personally, I really like the fish and snail dishes that they cooked for us. That's two of my new favorite food that I discovered here in Bicol. 
Salvador Family - I think they were the ones that Elder Bongolan and I spent most of our time teaching recently. We became close to them. Most of our recent converts (Trisha, Shiala, Hazel, Alyssa) are part of this happy family. This family is also special to me. Nanay Salvador is also one of the most caring mothers that I met so far.
Coral/Interior Family - I only met them during my time with my current companion but that time was more than enough to know and love this family spiritually. They are also nice and I like their willingness to learn the gospel. Judy Ann and Raymark are also two of our recent converts. Both of them are kind and smart teens. They are both also special to me.
Toltol Family - Another good and kind family here in Sagrada (Yes. I know. There's a lot of good families in Sagrada. 😊) I'm also close to this family. They are also helpful to missionaries like me. Bro. Rene (Ener) is also a counselor in San Vicente branch. He is also one of the nicest Priesthood leaders here.
Santelices Family - Kind and sporty family. Haha. The most common denominator of their family and me are the sport basketball. We're all huge fans of that sport. They were the ones that keep me updated on my favorite local team. Sally Jeane and Jercil are also my friends here. Chin Chin is the smartest kid that I met so far and I'm glad that I'm the one who baptized her. 😊
Tejeresas/Candelaria Family - Sis. Lovely is our golden investigator. She's active at church and constantly following all the commitments. Personally, I'm close to this family. I've been teaching her for a long time. I really hope that she and her member husband will get married soon so that she can finally be baptized and someday sealed to her family.
Interior Family - Bro. Ronnie and Daisy are both really nice to me. Bro. Ronnie is our Branch Mission Leader and personally, he is really like a "Kuya" to me. Sometimes we also hang out with him during our free time. He is also one of the nicest Priesthood members around. While Daisy is a good friend of mine. She's also nice and joyful. I'm close to both of them. It's always fun to be around them.

I'll never forget all of them and I'll treasure all the good memories that I had with all of the families and individuals that I met here in Sagrada. I love and I'll miss all of them. Hymn #152 😢💝


Notable moments of this day:
  • Sagrada Farewell Tour

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