'Til We Meet Again — San Vicente Branch

Sunday, January 11, 2015

BAGAMANOC | Day 271 to 272 |

JANUARY 11, 2015:
We leave early. I took a picture of this wonderful area one last time before we leave and went to Virac. It was really a hard and saddening feeling when I walk outside. I'm holding back tears. The timely rain also affects my emotion inside. Hopefully, I can go back again here after my mission. Sigh. Farewell, my beloved San Vicente Branch... 😢

with the kind and caring Owners of our Apartment

We arrived at ZL's apartment around noon time. I saw a white cat and it reminds me of one of my cats back home. Maybe Heavenly Father sent it to comfort me. 

We attended the area broadcast in the evening. All of the Catanduanes missionaries were also present and we also had time to talk and took a picture with some of them. The most memorable event of the night is when some members of San Vicente branch that were studying in Virac visited and said their goodbyes to me. They also gave me updated BR pages. I appreciate all of it. Proverbs 17:17

I'll never break the record of Elder Olayao anymore. LOL. He's here in Catanduanes longer than me and still not getting transferred. He's a great missionary and Branch President at the same time too. 💪
I wore one of Elder Pulido's shoes tonight. My plan is to make him give it to me as an SR but I think it will fail because he really likes his shoes that I'm wearing. 😅
with my current and last Zone Leaders in Catanduanes (E. Pulido & E. Hernandez)
with Elder Miller and Elder Olayao
with the STLs (Sister Jovillano & Sister Whaanga)
with my companion, trainee, and friend - Elder Bongolan
with my housemate, district mate, and friend - Elder Abuel
with my Comun mate and co-transferee - Elder Vetonio
with Bro. Cal
with Sister Tarantan and Sister Jemino
with some members of SV branch (Hermaine, Pearl, Verly, and Lyn)

JANUARY 12, 2015:
Good morning Catanduanes! I had a good sleep last night and I feel good today. 😃 We left the Z.L.'s apartment early to catch the first trip to Tabaco. 

Outside view at ZL's apartment rooftop.
Sometimes we were sleeping under the moonlight whenever we are here.
I'll also miss these two friends of mine. Elder Bongolan was a good companion. He's humble and willing to learn. I've never had a hard time training him and I hope he will still do his very best together with his new companion. Elder Abuel might be the new District Leader tomorrow of SV Branch. He's a very capable leader. He's a good and diligent missionary. I wish both of them the best.
Z.L.'s apartment.

We had our dinner at Graciano's. It is one of the places that I like here in Tabaco during my early days as a missionary. We stayed and slept in my first apartment (Tabaco Z.L.'s apartment). I had a feeling that I'll be assigned here in Tabaco Zone again because many missionaries from that zone are getting transferred too. That's interesting. Let's see what will happen tomorrow. 1 Cor 15:51

(L to R) E. Abuel, me, E. Bongolan, and E. Agustin


Notable moments of January 11 to 12:
  • Last and hard goodbye to San Vicente Branch
  • White cat
  • Area Broadcast
  • Farewell Catanduanes Zone
  • SV Branch members goodbyes
    • BR pages
  • Will miss
  • Bye Catanduanes
  • Good night sleep
  • Dinner at Graciano's

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