Sis. Shane's Homecoming

Monday, May 12, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 27 |

MAY 12, 2014:
It's P-Day today. The Lopez Family invited us for Sis. Shane's post-homecoming celebration. At first, I respectfully refused to go because I'm still sick since yesterday. Bro. Ronnie and Sis. Shane persists that I should go and told me that I'll feel good when I go out. So because of my respect for the Lopez Family, I joined all of them.

It was a long walk from our apartment to Sabang. I was really exhausted because I'm sick. As soon as we got there, I laid down to rest at the nipa hut and I slept for about an hour or two. I felt good when I woke up and they also took good care of me. They are all really nice. It was a fun day together with the Lopez Family and some of the members.

Bernard and Elder Moran
Elder Moran and Bro. Ronnie
(L to R) Sis. Hermaine, Elder Moran, and Bro. Ronnie
(L to R) E. Bagaoisan, E. Bacalso, Me, and E. Moran
(L to R) E. Bagaoisan, E. Bacalso, Me, and E. Moran
Sis. Myrna and E. Moran
with Elijah


Notable moments of this day:
  • Sis. Shayne's Homecoming

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