Baptism: Francis Oben, Abel Castillo, Abelardo Castillo Jr., Analiza Castillo & Hutch John Castillo

Saturday, August 23, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 130  |

AUGUST 23, 2014:
"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." - D&C 18:10
Hoorah! More souls for Heavenly Father. 😃 It's another memorable day for all of us. The Castillo siblings, Bro. Francis Oben, and the investigators of the other Elders have been baptized. All our investigators who have been baptized came from the referrals of the members. That's a testimony of how helpful and effective the referrals from the members. Because of that, we are all thankful to them. 😊

I think this baptism day is the highest number of attendees I've seen so far in my mission. Many members, families, friends, and investigators supported this day. We're all happy about it. San Vicente and Sagrada Elders joined forces for this special day. 😊

First trip ready to depart. I think it took 2-3 trips to accommodate all the persons who want to attend.
(L to R) Pearl, Hermaine, me, and Sally Jeane
Our turn to go to Sabang, the place of baptism.

with Stephen, one-half of my former investigators who will also be baptized today.
with Francis and Abel

 We started this activity with an opening prayer then we sang a hymn to invite the spirit.

Elder Moran, our DL lead this baptismal activity with the presence of our 2nd counselor, Bro. Toltol.
Sis. Pearl is the chorister 

Time for pictures with the baptism participants. 😊

(Back) E. Moran, a investigator from Sitio Tondo, Nanay Trining, E. Irabon, E. Feraer, Francis, Abel, and E. Aguilando
(Front/Kids) Stephen, a investigator from Minaili, Chin, Abelardo/JR, Hutch John, and Analiza

San Vicente Elders with their investigators

Sagrada Elders with our investigators

(L to R) Abelardo Jr., me, Francis, Analiza, Abel, E. Aguilando, and Hutch John

Time for the group picture. 😀

Demo before the actual baptism.

First off, I baptized Chin Chin. She is one-half of my former investigators from the SV Elders. I'm glad that I was the one to baptize her because Elder Bacalso (my previous companion) and I started teaching her back then. Kudos also to SV Elders for granting her request. She is really a smart kid and she always attends church with her family.

The second one was Abel, he is the oldest of the Castillo siblings that we baptized. He is a responsible son to his parents and a good brother to his siblings. He is kinda shy at first but loosens up later on. I know he will be a good example for his family.

Third was Francis, he is near in our apartment and also a friend of our recent converts (Ivy & Janine). He is a fun guy and a friendly person. He listens well to our discussions and also commits to it. He will be also a good example to his friends and family.

Fourth, was Analiza and my companion baptized her. She's the youngest of the Castillo siblings. She is a shy kid but she is responding well when we are asking her about our lessons. She also knows the importance of baptism. She's a nice and well-behaved kid.

Fifth was Abelardo Jr., who is the most hyperactive of the Castillo siblings. Haha. He is also a nice kid. and also quite responsible for his young age. My companion also baptized him.

Our last investigator to be baptized was Hutch John. He is the cousin of the Castillo siblings. He is a curious kid who likes to ask about something. He always stays in the Castillo Family household.

The next ones are the investigators of Elder Irabon and Elder Moran.

Elder Irabon baptizing their investigator from Sitio Tondo
Elder Irabon baptizing Stephen.
Last but not the least, Nanay Trining. Elder Irabon baptized her.

Random pictures while the newly baptized changing their clothes.

Elder Aguilando drying his tie
Monica & Jessica (the one who holds my cam)
Jessica (recent convert)
Francis & Jessica

 After they changed clothes. All the newly baptized members of the church share their feelings and testimonies. It was a very touching moment.

Nanay Trining shared her tearful testimony.
This could be Elder Moran's last baptisms before he returns home soon.

After the closing prayer and before we leave, there was a picture-taking part two. 😅

with Hermaine & Sally Jeane
with Vergie and Sister Hilda Garcia
Monica & Elder Moran
Carla & Elder Moran
Nanay Trining & Jessica
Monica & Jessica
Carla & Monica
Carla, Jessica & Monica
(L to R) Jessica, Carla, Clarisse, me, and Jessica
(Background) Nanay Trining & Elder Irabon
(L to R) Carla, Monica, Sheila, Clarisse, me, E. Aguilando, Jessica, and E. Moran
(L to R) Carla, Monica, me, E. Aguilando, Jessica, Clarisse, E. Moran, and Nanay Trining
Clarisse, Henrick, and Carla
(L to R) Pearl, Gina, Hermaine, me, Steven, Princess C., and Gleziel
(L to R) Pearl, E. Aguilando, and Hermaine
 After a lot of pictorials we went back to San Vicente.

I'm really happy for all the newly baptized members of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. I know that as they continue to apply all the teachings that we taught them, they will endure to the end. This was a blessed and fun day for all of us. 😃


Notable moments of this day:
  • Baptisms of Francis, Abel, Abelardo Jr., Analiza & Hutch John with the other investigators of Elders Moran & Irabon

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