Frightened Bulan Sisters

Thursday, May 14, 2015

IROSIN | Day 80 |

MAY 14, 2015:
We went to Bulan and attended their District Meeting. Elder Guya is the new District Leader. He's awesome and he is an obedient missionary. My companion is really proud. We ate lunch together afterward. Today was also Sister Marcos's last District Meeting before she return home with honor. Each of us received "SRs" from her. Our Zone will miss her and we congratulated her on what she'd done. 

Front: S. Notarte, S. Infante, S. Dellona, S. Eñeja, and S. Marcos
Middle: S. Tarantan, S. Sebia, and S. Finau
Back: E. Feraer, E. Alolor, E. Guya, and E. Nagutom

S. Sebia, E. Nagutom, S. Marcos, E. Guya, and E. Feraer

After the meeting, we went to Bulan Sisters' apartment. Sister Notarte and Sister Infante informed us that they are experiencing unexplainable things in their room. There is something, some entity, a negative force that keeps on bothering them and trying to disrupt their work. They are frightened. They asked us to bless their room. We prayed sincerely and asked Heavenly Father for help. Hopefully, whatever it is, it will be gone for good. 

We had a decent day in missionary work. I like the scripture verses that we shared. Isaiah 53:3-5 Jesus died for us, so we can live with Heavenly Father someday.


Notable moments of this day:
  • Bulan District Meeting
    • Last DM of Sister Marcos
    • Lunch
  • The horror of Bulan Sisters' Apartment
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Maritess - Priesthood 
    • Lovely G. - Book of Mormon story
    • Diana - 1 Nephi 1:1
    • John Mar - Words of Wisdom
    • Leslie - Tithing and Fast Offering
    • Jessa, Jasmine, Hazel, and Queen - L1
    • Edwin - WoW, SD

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