Tireless Branch Missionaries

Saturday, May 09, 2015

IROSIN | Day 75 to 76 |

MAY 9, 2015:
Elder Alolor and I traveled to the area of Sister Marcos and Sister Finau. We interviewed their investigator for baptism. They doesn't have a District Leader as of the moment that's why we as ZLs did the interview instead. Sister Marcos cooked buttered veggies for lunch. We had free lunch outside their apartment. We're thankful for their kindness. We spent the rest of the day teaching, finding, and inviting all members and investigators to attend church tomorrow. Scripture for the day is in Isaiah 29:15-14. A marvelous work comes from the heart.

MAY 10, 2015:
Today was a beautiful and productive Sunday. Many branch missionaries worked with us. It is really nice to see and know their desire to help in this work of salvation. They have a lot of energy. I really hope that our recent convert, Bro. Jason will go on a mission someday too. This was an amazing week again. 107 members and investigators attended church today! We had 13 IBDs, 15 IASM, 16 New Investigators, and a total of 60 lessons this week. Lastly, the APs called us and told us that we will be having a Zone Activity! YEY! 😃

Irosin Missionaries


Notable moments of May 9 to 10:
  • Sister Marcos & Sister Finau's Investigator
  • We taught:
    • Raffy Balasta - L1
    • Gamba Family - L2 Q1
    • Duabe Family - L1 P3-P6
    • Nelie D. - L2 Q1
    • Mark L. - L1
    • Cyrus - TPNL
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Noli - Repentance
    • Santiago Sisters - Words of Wisdom
    • Richie Balute & Cedril Dibusco (NIs)
    • Judy Mae - Words of Wisdom
    • John Mar - L2 Q3
    • Gibada RCs - Service
    • Don - Ether 12:27
    • Trisha - Helaman 5:12
  • We won Zone Activity!

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