Call-In Summary Report

Monday, September 22, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 159 to 160 |

SEPTEMBER 21, 2014:
Sabbath Day. Many investigators, new, and returning members attend the sacrament meeting. We had a good day in proselyting. The most memorable one is with the Salvador Family. We had new part member investigators from them. They are really interested in the gospel. I hope and pray that they will all progress together. Every Sunday night since I became a D.L. I am doing the call-in summary report and I like doing this stuff. The only challenging part is when I am sending it. It's really hard to find a signal in our area.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2014:
Traveled to Virac again. All the missionary leaders will have a meeting on Wednesday in Legazpi, Albay. We'll leave Catanduanes tomorrow. My companion and I spent our P-Day in Virac today. 


Notable moments of September 21 to 22:
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely F. - Book of Mormon
    • Sis. Marivic - L1 P5-P6
    • Salvador Family
      • NIs - Trisha, Sheila, and Princess
  • Traveled to Virac
  • D610

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