I Was Assigned to Be a District Leader

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 147 |

SEPTEMBER 9, 2014:
Woah! Expect the unexpected. I was chosen to be the new District Leader in San Vicente. 😲 Honestly, I wasn't expecting this. I really thought it will be Elder Irabon because he is doing great and more obedient than me. It can also be my companion, Elder Aguilando because he was a former DL as well as the new incoming missionary here. Maybe this is Heavenly Father's way of telling me to step it up even more further and change our district's area for good. A new responsibility and calling. I'll do my best and I'll become more responsible now for the people in this area, to my fellow district mates, and for our loving Heavenly Father. I just need to work on my confidence.

We had a productive day again. Good planning really helps. We received and contacted a referral. We also had new investigators. It was a good day. 😊


Notable moments of this day:
  • Called to be the new District Leader in San Vicente
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely T. & Bro. Dandan - Family Prayer | 3 Nephi 18:18-21
    • Sis. Mary Rose T. - L2 Q3
    • Sis. Joy S. - Scriptures Study | 2 Nephi 32:3
    • Castillo Siblings - Priesthood & Auxiliaries
    • Segismundo Family - L1 P1-P2
      • NI: Sis. Rosalie & Rhea Mae
    • Tuquero Siblings - Follow the Prophet | 1 Nephi 16:16
    • Garcia Family - Alma 8:19-20

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