Baptism: Marites Gibada, Diana Rose Gibada, Lovely Gibada, John Cedrix Gibada & Judy Mae Gibada

Saturday, April 18, 2015

IROSIN | Day 54 |

APRIL 18, 2015:
This is it! The baptism of the Gibada family had begun. We're all happy about this day. The baptism ceremony happened in Matnog Chapel. It was solemn and spiritual. We're also thankful to Sis. Annalie and Sis. Goldine for attending and showing love and support for the newly baptized members. 

(L to R) Elder Alolor, Judy Mae, Lovely, Nanay Marites, Cedrix, Diana, Elder Feraer 

We met Sis. Judy Mae through referrals of the former missionaries assigned here in Irosin Branch. She's a bit shy at first but becomes jolly along the way. She always commit and did all the assignments that we leave to her. She always answers well to all our questions related to the gospel. Personally, I'm really happy with her progress. She's really ready to be baptized. Hopefully, she'll continually be a good example to her family. 

The Gibada Family (relatives of Sis. Judy Mae) is a wonderful and nice family. Nanay Marites is a good mother. They are close to each other. Even though they didn't have that much, they are still optimistic and happy. Today, Sis. Marites with her son (Ced) and two daughters (Diana and Lovely) have been baptized first. Hopefully, her other kids will follow soon. They are all on the right track and probably they will also be baptized soon. It was a fun and wonderful day. Still looking forward to more baptisms in our branch. We'll keep on inviting others to come unto Christ and do our missionary purpose. Our God's will. Hymn #236

(L to R) Sis. Annalie, Diana, Sis. Goldine, Lovely, Nanay Marites, Ced, Judy Mae, and me.


Notable moments of this day:
  • Baptism of S. Maritess, Diana, Lovely, Cedrix, and Judy Mae.
  • We taught:
    • Judy Mae - Confirmation / BotHG
    • Sis. April - Sabbath Day
    • Bro. Dennis - Sabbath Day

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