Elder Siarez & Elder Witehira's Last Day in Irosin

Monday, April 06, 2015

IROSIN | Day 42 |

APRIL 6, 2015:
P-Day! The most notable moment today was the farewell party of Elder Siarez and Elder Witehira. They'll be transferred tomorrow and this is their last day with the Irosin Branch members. Many members and investigators attended this event and it was fun and emotional at the same time. The members will definitely miss these two good missionaries, of course, Elder Alolor and I will miss them too. Personally, they are really nice and fun to be with genuinely. I didn't adjust myself to them when I first got here in Irosin. They're really friendly and nice. I know they are needed in their next area (I have a feeling that they'll be assigned to Catanduanes or Masbate. 😁) This will be also the opportunity for them to grow and become a better disciple of Christ. I really wish them all the best. 

Elder Siarez & Elder Witehira

Elder Siarez saying his farewell to the members.
Elder Witehira saying how grateful he was being assigned here in his first area.

Elder Alolor got some games for the members.
Special dance number from Mara, Clara, and Anirah
A musical number from Analyca and Jona
Bro. Lelis saying his goodbye to the departing missionaries.

LDS Irosin Branch 💖

Scripture verse for the day, Genesis 39:9


Notable moments of this day:
  • Farewell Party for Elder Siarez and Elder Witehira
  • Backpack and books SR from Elder Witehira
  • Necktie trade with Elder Siarez

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