Hey, Son

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

IROSIN | Day 43 |

APRIL 7, 2015:
Transfer day! I saw my former companion and trainee again! 😀 It's been a long time since I saw him. He'll be assigned to Sorsogon Zone and that will be his second area. I also saw some of my previous zone mates and mission friends. The most important thing is we finally met our new housemates. They are Elder Reyes and Elder Mallabo. They'll be returning to Bulan Zone. They are previously assigned here before (Bulusan and Matnog). This will be also the second time that Elder Reyes and I are housemates. 😆 

with Elder Bongolan

We didn't do much proselyting today because we toured them to their new area. It's really important for them to know this because they are both new. I know they'll do well here in Irosin. Elder Reyes is a diligent missionary and Elder Mallabo seems nice too. They are also both Ilocano and I think they'll go along pretty well. Scripture time, Exodus 19:5-6. There is a covenant to us if we obey the commandments.

Continuing putting pictures in my "Best Two Years" album.
There are fireworks outside. Maybe there's a special occasion here in Irosin.


Notable moments of this day:
  • New housemates
    • Elder Reyes & Elder Mallano
  • New zone mates
    • Elder Caguioa, Elder Alvaro, Elder Gonzales, Sister Infante, Sister Finau

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