16th Month in the Mission

Sunday, April 19, 2015

IROSIN | Day 55 to 56 |

APRIL 19, 2015:
We had a superb and extremely blessed week! We baptized and confirmed five children of God and hit most of the standard of excellence in the key indicators. It is a good feeling and we'll keep it coming. Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. 

APRIL 20, 2015:
Normal P-Day routine in the morning and the afternoon. We worked and teach in the evening. We went to our area in Salvacion. Scripture for the day, Psalms 119:105. The Lord's word will keep us on the right path. 


Notable moments of April 19 to 20:
  • Superb Week
    • Baptism and Confirmation - 5 & 5
    • IBD - 7
    • IASM - 8
    • NRM-ASM - 20
    • PI - 12
    • MPL - 25
    • RCLA - 15
    • RR/RC - 8 & 3
    • NI - 5
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Maritess - Confirmation
    • Sis. Nelie - Book of Mormon
    • Lorna Gallanosa - Gospel / Prayer
    • Alma Gacillo (NI)
    • Duabe Family & Roxanne - Prayer
    • Judy Mae - D&C 78:19
    • Cyrus - Missionary Work
    • Bro. Dennis - Missionary Work
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Noli - L2 Q1 & Q2
    • Sis. Alona - L1 P1-P5
    • Lelis Family - Mos 4:14-15

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