Area Realignment

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

IROSIN | Day 44 to 47 |

APRIL 8, 2015:
Today was the first day in our new area. We met the Gibada Family and they are close relatives of our investigator (Judy Mae's family). It's really nice meeting them and they are really interested in the gospel. They are also progressing investigators. We had twelve lessons today. It was a fun and exhausting day but all is well. 😊

with the Gibada Family (with Sis. Judy Mae & Bro. Porcado)
New planner cover for this transfer cycle.

Scripture for the day, Exodus 20:3-17. There are commandments that were given by our Lord in the Mosaic time and it is still important that we obey them.

APRIL 9, 2015:
There are a lot of stones in the river in our new area. They said this is one of the livelihoods of some families here in Irosin. They are breaking it into smaller pieces and big trucks from some companies are collecting these stones from them in exchange for money. It may sound or look so easy, but it is not. They are doing this all day even if it is raining or under the scorching heat of the sun. 

We met a lot of new people today. We are also building a good relationship with all the members and investigators in our extended area at Barangay Bacolod. Another twelve lessons for us again today. 🙂 Scripture verse of the day is in Joshua 24:15. We must choose and decide who will be our master, who are we going to serve. If we choose God and the right path we will be blessed.

APRIL 10, 2015:
If I have some spare time, I am catching up with my "best two years" album. I really enjoy making it. 😀 We had District Meeting in the morning with the Irosin District. Elder Bumadilla is getting comfortable now in his calling as a District Leader. It was a good meeting. 

The most memorable moment that happened today is when we prepared the Gibada Family for their upcoming baptismal interviews. They are ready. 😊 Overall, we had eleven lessons today. Scripture time, 1 Samuel 16:7. We must look upon the heart, not the outward appearance of people.

APRIL 11, 2015:
We did a lot of tracting in our morning work. Even though we didn't find or met a new investigator it is alright. The important thing is we still tried. In the afternoon we attended and watched the priesthood session of the General Conference. We're also happy that we had a chance to teach and invite some of the less active members that we didn't meet before. It is still an awesome day for missionary work. 🙂 We finished the day by teaching Sister Judy Mae and her family. They also invited us to eat dinner with them. Alma 8:19-20 We're grateful. 😀

(L to R) Cyrus, Judy Mae, and Dexter


Notable moments of April 8 to 11:
  • First day in our new realignment area.
  • We taught:
    • Diana - Law of Chastity
    • Cedric (NI)
    • Leslie - Word of Wisdom
    • Edwin - Repentance / Pray often
    • Judy Mae - Tithing and Fast offering
    • Dexter - Repentance
    • Janine G. - Faith and Repentance
    • Nerissa (NI)
    • Lovely G. - Word of Wisdom
    • Sis. Marites - LoC / WoW
    • Bro. Lito - Book of Mormon
    • De Jesus Family - TPNL
  • We taught:
    • Michael - L2 Q2
    • Erlinda Cabi - L1 P4
    • Marjorie - Word of Wisdom
    • Cyrus - 1 Nephi 13:22
    • April & Monica Magalona - Prayer
    • Nelie - L1
    • Jayson Peñaverde - Temple
    • Escolano Family - TPNL
    • Sis. Aileen - Marriage
    • Melcy - Ether 12:27
    • Duable Family (NIs)
    • Gibada Family - Tithing & Fast offering
  • Irosin District Meeting II
  • We taught:
    • Judy Mae - BIQ
    • Diana - BIQ
    • Lovely - BIQ
    • Sis. Marites - BIQ
    • Bro. Juan - 2 Nephi 32:3
    • Bro. Aris - Follow the Prophet
    • Marjorie - L1
    • Fatima - Follow the Prophet
    • Realyn Rodrigo - Prayer
    • Kristine (NI)
    • Lelis Family - 2 Nephi 5:10,17,27
  • General Conference 2015
    • Priesthood Session
  • We taught:
    • Marjorie - Scripture Study
    • Cyrus - D&C 1:38
    • Bro. Dennies - Follow the Prophet
    • Gibada Family - Alma 8:19-20
  • Dinner with the Gibada Family

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