6th Month in the Mission

Sunday, June 22, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 66 to 68 |

JUNE 20, 2014:
Six months! 1/4 of my mission life already. 😎 I received a pouch from Sis. Oliva (batchmate/MTC district mate) and has a planner case. I'm surprised and happy about it. All of us in Ether District (our MTC District) are all close even though we're in different parts of the Philippines. I miss them. I also got a B.R. page from Sis. Myrna.

It's been a long time since we have morning work and it's really a blessing for us because we had an effective teaching moment with Sis. Laila. I hope she'll progress more with the help of her member husband. We had lunch with the Candelaria Family. Sis. Nancy and her family are also nice to us. I like the fish that they are calling good fish. It's really good. 😊 We also help Bro. Robert about his concerns about becoming a missionary. It was a great day again overall and we had another 10 lessons. It's a 3-day streak now! 😃

JUNE 21, 2014:
We did the Weekly Planning Session in the morning. In the afternoon we attended Nanay Lopez's granddaughter (K.C.) birthday party. The Lopez Family invited us and there are a lot of kids who attended the party and they are all having fun. There's a lot of food too.

Happy Birthday, KC. 🥳
My companion and I are like these kids who are also excited. Haha.
Sister Matet and her daughter K.C.
(L to R) E. Bacalso, Robert, and me
Bro. Magin Lopez organizing the kids.
Sis. Gina giving drinks to the kids.
Sis. Hermaine in front.
Sis Shane in front.
Sis. Hermie at the back standing.
Our stomachs were really happy thanks to the Lopez Family (Sis. Hermie, Bro. Magin, Sis. Matet, Sis. Shane, Sis. Hermaine, Sis. Gina, and the birthday celebrant K.C.). 😄 We did missionary work after the party and we met another new investigator and she's the sister of our recent converts. I hope she'll progress. We had our dinner at the Santelices Family. Thanks to Sis. Sally Jeane.

(Front) Reden | (Back) Elijah | (L to R) E. Bacalso, Emmalyn (NI), Kristine, Kristine Joy, Me, and Ampatuan 
(L to R) Robert, E. Bacalso, and Elijah

JUNE 22, 2014:
Sunday school is a little bit different today. There's a new class for investigators and recent converts. Sis. Veny (wife of Branch Pres. Molina) had a fun and different approach this time in teaching in the combined class so all the members have a role and participation. She grouped us and I'm with Sis. Lovely, her husband Bro. Dandan, Sis. Vergie and Nanay Ara. Our topic was about trust and faith in the Lord and we delivered it well. We had a great week in missionary work. We achieved the standard of excellence! 😀


Notable moments of June 20 to 22:
  • Received a planner case from Sis. Oliva
  • Got B.R. page from Sis. Myrna
  • Lunch at Candelaria Family
  • Bro. Robert's Concerns
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Laila - L2
    • Bro. Robert - 3 Nephi 12:27-29
    • Bro. Alvin - D&C 59:9-10
    • Sis. Chrisaly - 1 Nephi 3:7
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Alma 32:21
    • Sally Jeane - D&C 89:18-21
    • Tuquero Siblings - L2
    • Kristine Joy - D&C 84:19-20
    • Angie - 2 Nephi 32:3
    • Rosalie - Pray often
  • K.C.'s Birthday Party
  • We taught:
    • Reden - Mosiah 18:8-10
    • Kristine - D&C 89-18-21
    • Kristine Joy - Alma 42:31
    • Sally Jeane - 3 Nephi 24:8-10
    • Emmalyn Lerit (NI)
  • Dinner at Santelices Family
  • Fun Sunday School
  • *Humility*

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