Public Speaking

Sunday, June 08, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 53 to 54 |

JUNE 7, 2014:
I opened the package that my parents sent me and as usual, there's a lot of chocolates, spams, snacks, letters, and other stuffs. I'm most excited about the letters that my family sent me. My little cousins also wrote to me. 😊 My heart is full of happiness right now. I really like it when I read letters from my family. 😍 I also shared some chocolates and snacks with my housemates.

In the afternoon we attended and support the other elders in their baptism. I also talked about the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. We are all happy that he got baptized. 😀 After the baptism, we taught our RCLAs.

Back Standing (L to R) | Robert, E. Bagaoisan, Daniel, E. Moran, Me, E. Bacalso, and Bernard
Front Sitting (L to R) | Nanay Garcia (w/ her grandkids), Carla, Vergie, Elizabeth, and Ezekiel

JUNE 8, 2014:
Sunny Sunday! In the sacrament meeting our DL, Elder Moran is one of the speakers and he had a great talk. Later on, I asked him if he is used to it before his mission and he said not. He said that because of his experience here in the mission field he develops it. It could be the gift of tongue. Maybe in a year or so I'll be good at public speaking too. 😊 We had a productive day today. We had 6 lessons. The Idio Family also invited us to dinner. We are thankful to them.

with Robert, Sally Jeane, and a bunch of Sagrada kids. 😊


Notable moments of June 7 to 8:
  • Opened my package
  • Daniel's Baptism
  • We taught:
    • Ezekiel
    • Elijah
    • Robert
  • We taught:
    • Elijah - Nephi 1
    • Ezekiel - Baptism & Confirmation
    • Bro. Alvin - Scripture Study
    • Sally Jeane - Follow the Prophet
    • Caren - L1 P1-P2
    • Robert - Sabbath Day
    • Dinner at Idio Family

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