We'll Step Up

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 62 to 64 |

JUNE 16, 2014:
P-Day! Elder Bacalso and I are the only ones in the Z.L.'s apartment because the ZLs with the other SV Elders travel to the mainland for the transfers. So we'll spend our P-Day here in Virac and travel tomorrow morning to our area. We did a lot of P-Day stuff and unfortunately, my SD card got broken again. 😩 Luckily a member helped us and I recovered my photos.

JUNE 17, 2014:
We woke up early and we traveled back to Bagamanoc but this time in a van. It's a fast ride compare to the bus. The only downside is we have to wait until 11 am for the boat to go so it feels like that there's no advantage in riding a van aside from comfort. Haha. While waiting we walk around and explore. We also took a picture with an ukay (monkey).

When we arrived in our apartment around 1 pm we ate lunch and we rest a little bit after that. We clean the whole apartment in the afternoon so the new missionary that will be assigned here will have a good first impression. Elder Moran and his new companion will arrive tomorrow. It will be also the start of our new beginnings. 😊

JUNE 18, 2014:
Elder Moran's new companion is............ *drum roll* Elder Irabon! My batchmate! 😀 We didn't have a chance for a long talk because we are leaving when they arrived in the afternoon. Starting today, my companion and I decided that this transfer we will have more time in proselyting outside than staying in the apartment. I'm really okay with it and it is also a good thing for all the people in our area. This is what I really want to be. A diligent and hard-working missionary! 😃 We are blessed with 10 lessons today including two new investigators. They are Ivy and Janine and they are related to the Molina Family. I can feel that they will be our frontrunners for baptism. They are dedicated and surrounded by good members that are helping them. This is a good start for this new transfer cycle. 😊

(L to R) E. Bacalso, Janine, Ivy, and Me


Notable moments of June 16 to 18:
  • "Freedom City"
  • Sis. Pearl's help
  • "The necklace"
  • Got B.R. page*
  • Celebration with Bernard
  • Elder Irabon's Arrival
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Robert - Mos 8:16-18
    • Elijah - 1 Nephi 5
    • Kristine - Mos 13: 27-29
    • Kristine Joy - Omni 1:26
    • Sis. Chrisaly - D&C 82:10
    • Caren - L1 P3-P4
    • Anjo - Mos 8:16-18
    • Ezekiel - D&C 89:18-21
    • Ivy & Janine (NIs)
    • Jercil & Steven - 10 Commandments
    • Sis. Lovely T. - L2 Q2

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