Stay with Your Companion

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 55 to 56 |

JUNE 9, 2014:
P-Day! The most memorable thing that happened today is when we help Bro. Albert in his work. We helped him pulled some big trees in the river. It was a unique experience. It's been a long time since it rained here and it was good because it cooled the temperature here. In the evening Elder Moran needs to go to the meeting house to report some DL's stuff and his companion was busy doing something so he asked me to come with him. We had situational exchanges. When we returned to our apartment our companions is not inside. We thought that they just buy something or eat outside while we're in the meeting house. I'm tired because of what we did earlier so I rest and fall asleep early.

JUNE 10, 2014:
There was an unexpected thing that happened last night. Elder Moran told me that our companions didn't return and sleep in our apartment. Woah. I was worried! 😲 After we finished piling up water in the morning he went to the nearby signal location and report it to our Mission President. Our companions came back around 7 a.m. and E. Moran (DL) asked them why they didn't return last night. Tension is rising up then we received a text message from Pres. Guanzon that we must find a stable signal location because he will call and talk to all of us. 😱 One by one, Pres. Guanzon spoke to us and I'm the last one that he spoke to. I told him the truth of what happened last night and I know in myself that I didn't do any disobedience last night. It was a tense moment for all of us. One or two of us have a high chance of getting transferred because of that incident.

After the call, we had a district inventory and tension increase even more between the three of them. I'm ready if anything happens. I'm in the middle of all of these. At the end of the day, I told them that let's be more obedient and never leave our companion. Let's start a new and work it out. Pres. Guanzon told me that he has a big trust in me and I don't want to destroy it. We should stick to our missionary purpose. My companion and I work in the afternoon. We are good. He humbled himself and accepts his mistake and told me that he will redeem himself and be a better missionary. I'm happy to hear that and I'm also excited for our companionship to step it up. We are blessed with 6 lessons today and we had our dinner with Lopez Family.

(From L to R) Robert, Gleziel, Elijah, Me, and Julius


Notable moments of June 9 to 10:
  • Logged trees
  • Companions didn't return to the apartment
  • President Guanzon's call
  • District Inventory
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely T. - L2 Q1
    • Elijah - 1 Nephi 2
    • Gonzales Siblings - 10 Commandments
    • Ezekiel - Mosiah 13
    • Gleziel - 2 Nephi 32:3
    • Santelices Siblings - Mosiah 13
  • Dinner at Lopez Family

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