Companionship Exchanges with Elder Irabon

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 69 to 70 |

JUNE 23, 2014:
We did our usual P-Day routines. Studies, laundry, e-mail, report, and relaxing. We proselyted at night and we taught first our progressing investigators (Sis. Lovely, Sis. Laila, and the Tuquero Siblings). We are blessed with 6 lessons today. 😀

JUNE 24, 2014:
We had a companionship exchange with the SV Elders and my companion for today is my batchmate, Elder Irabon. We worked in their area here in Minaili while my companion and Elder Moran is in Sagrada. We did a lot of tracting in the morning. In the afternoon we taught the Garcia Family, Lanon Family, Jomar, Leni, and Monica. Most of them are I'm familiar with. It's nice to have a chance to teach other members and investigators of our branch that is not in my area. 😀

(L to R) Monica, Vergie, me, and Elder Irabon

At night, Pres. Gerry Molina and his wife Sis. Veny worked with us and we visited and taught the Idanan Family (all investigators). The spirit is really there during our lesson and the testimonies of every one were great. 😇 I hope they will all progress and be baptized. It was a great day overall and I'm glad to be a companion with my batchmate for a day. Elder Irabon is a very diligent and caring missionary in their investigators.


Notable moments of June 23 to 24:
  • Night Proselyting
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Alma 42:23-24
    • Sis. Laila - Alma 32:21
    • Tuquero Siblings - L3
    • Reden - Follow the Prophet
    • Ezekiel - Fasting
    • Patrick - Scripture Study
  • Companionship Exchanges with Elder Irabon
  • We taught:
    • Garcia Family - Pray often
    • Lanon Family - Family Prayer
    • Jomar - Scripture Study
    • Leni - Scripture Study
    • Monica - Alma 37:35
    • Idanan Family - Repentance & Baptism

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