Baptism: Trisha Salvador, Shiala Salvador, Hazel Salvador, Alyssa Salvador, Judy Ann Coral & Raymark Coral

Saturday, December 27, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 256 |

DECEMBER 27, 2014:
Seek after families... Most of the newly baptized are part-members. My companion and I are really blessed to be part of this wonderful event in their lives. It's been two months since we first taught them and now they've taken a big step and made this important covenant to our loving Heavenly Father. We're all happy for them. 😃 
(L to R) E. Feraer, Raymark, Judy Ann, Alyssa, Trisha, Shiala, and Hazel

Our Branch President together with some members of the San Vicente Branch attended, witnessed, and supported this important covenant. 😊

Personally, I'm also happy to experience this with my companion during his training days. Hopefully, this will be a good start for him. May he diligently invite more people to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel even after we part ways after his training.
Hazel is a super shy kid at first during our lessons. Even though she's young, she is diligent in attending the church together with her mother. She's also a sweet soul.

Shiala is a good listener. She never hesitates to pray every time we asked her. She is also consistently making her commitments.  

Judy Ann is a bright young woman. She is also consistent in doing her commitments. She's a fast learner and diligent in attending sacrament service and Sunday school.

Alyssa, the youngest of this batch of newly baptized members. She's an obedient kid to her parents. She also likes to play a lot like a normal kid.

Raymark is a funny young man but during our lessons he's serious and he's also really good at answering our questions. He's a good listener.

Last but not the least, Trisha. She is a smart young woman. At first, she's very shy to us but eventually, she loosens up and became more attentive and participative during our lessons. I am more impressed with her faith and dedication to walk (far) and attend church every Sunday even though she has a real challenge in her health condition. Her sacrifice will not be wasted. Heavenly Father will bless her.

Another wonderful and blessed day. I'm really happy for all the newly baptized members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Maybe they are also the last batch that I'll be able to baptize in this area. I have a feeling that I'll be transferred soon. They are all special to me. I love them all and I'll always pray for them.


Notable moments of this day:
  • Baptisms of Trisha, Shiala, Hazel, Alyssa, Judy Ann, and Raymark

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