Walking 40 Kilometers from Bagamanoc Proper to San Vicente?!

Friday, June 06, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 51 to 52 |

JUNE 5, 2014:
There will be a Zone Training tomorrow in Virac so we have to leave San Vicente now. We did city P-Day stuff and I also got a haircut. We also ate lunch at Blossoms. Chocolate grasshopper is great! 😍 We tracted at night here in Virac and we met 3 families. One of them has a definite return appointment. We'll refer them to the Zone Leaders. We slept in the rooftop of Z.L.s apartment and watching the stars is so relaxing.

JUNE 6, 2014:
Our Zone Training topic was about hastening the work of salvation. We watched the "We Are One" video and I really like the message of it. Missionaries and members must help each other to hasten the work of salvation. It's all about teamwork. I also received my package from my parents! 😃 After the training, we leave as soon as possible to catch the last trip of the bus to Bagamanoc Proper.

On our way back our D.L. proposed that we should try to walk from Bagamanoc Proper to San Vicente. It's about 40 kilometers. 😐 At first, I don't think it is a good idea but I thought of it as a cool challenge. To make the story short, we actually did walk and after two to three hours of walking around 8 p.m., we are all exhausted. 😫 It is also hard to walk in darkness so we decided to take a hitch whatever vehicle came and passed us by. Luckily there's a big truck that helped us and they dropped us in Hinipaan. From there we rented a vehicle and they helped us get to San Vicente. We arrived around 9 to 10 p.m. It was a long night and it is a memorable one and we will not try it again especially at night. 😅

Somewhere in Bagamanoc.


Notable moments of June 5 to 6:
  • Night tracting at Virac
  • Catanduanes Zone Training II
    • Topic: Hastening the Work of Salvation
  • Failed attempt of walking from Bagamoc to San Vicente

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