Catanduanes District Conference

Sunday, June 15, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 61 |

JUNE 15, 2014:
We leave San Vicente at 3 a.m. (Yes, 3 A.M.! Haha.) We rode on a big truck with a lot of members in the San Vicente Branch because there will be a District Conference in Virac today. Other branches in different part of Catanduanes will be there too. We arrived around 7 a.m. we are all lack in sleep but all of us are excited to hear the message of the leaders.

I really like the message especially when the topic was about eternal families. I know that one of our purpose here on earth is to have a family. My service of being a full-time missionary was delayed but having my own family, I don't want to delay it. I'm happy to see the youth and other members of the San Vicente Branch that are studying or working here in Virac. Some of them are working with us missionaries when they are in San Vicente or Sagrada.

(L to R) E. Bagaoisan, Me, and E. Bacalso
Back | E. Bacalso, Carla, E. Moran, Me, Sis. Matet, Gina, Mary Rose
Front | E. Bagaoisan and Hermaine
(L to R) E. Bagaoisan, E. Bacalso, Carla, E. Moran, Mary Rose, Sis. Matet, Hermaine, and E. Webb
(L to R) Liezel, Me, Hermaine, and Pearl
(L to R) Pearl, Liezel, Me, Hermaine, Verly, and *Unknown*.
Liezel and Elder Bacalso


Notable moments of this day:
  • 3 am Trip
  • Catanduanes District Conference
    • Eternal Families
  • Reunion with SV youths.

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