
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 202 to 203 |

NOVEMBER 3, 2014:
We spent our P-Day in Virac to withdraw, bought food supplies, and did our other P-Day stuff. We ate lunch at Food Trip and there was a funny moment that happened today. I told my new missionary companion that there was a famous dish here in Bicol called "sagmao" and I recommended it to him. He ordered it and the waitress asked for his order again just like she didn't hear it. Elder Bongolan repeat his order and asked for "sagmao" again then the waitress laughed out loud and told him if he was just joking. Hahahaha. Then all of us can't prevent our laughter anymore. 😂 I told my companion that "sagmao" is a mixed leftover dish for pigs and he started laughing also. Haha. That was one of the Bicol terms I learned so far here in the mission. Aside from our usual liempo order, we also tried their pizza and it was alright. My companion treats us. What a nice dude. 😁

with Elder Bongolan
(L to R) E. Bongolan, E. Irabon, E. Abuel, and me

NOVEMBER 4, 2014:
We traveled back to San Vicente and it was a long dangerous and fun ride! The waves are huge and the sea is really unstable and uncalm. Fortunately, the helmsman is well experienced in this kind of situation and we arrived safely at our destination. We cleaned our apartment, washed our clothes, and did the things that we can't do yesterday because we're in Virac.


Notable moments of November 3 to 4:
  • Virac P-Day
  • Lunch at Food Trip
    • "Sagmao" moment
  • Wavy sea!

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