Interview with Pres. Guanzon and Dinner at Blossoms

Thursday, June 26, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 71 to 72 |

JUNE 25, 2014:
We traveled to Virac today for the interviews. President Guanzon is in Catanduanes right now. This is also the first time that I and Elder Bacalso met the new Zone Leader, Elder Leal. He is a cool Zone Leader and he jived really well with Elder Centeno. We also had an early District Meeting while waiting for our turn to get interviewed. The ZLs also attended our D.M. and the topic was about asking for referrals. It went well and we learned different ways of it. My interview went well and the most memorable thing is when I share our recent experiences in our area. I also told that being exactly obedient is way better than being selective obedient. Pres. Guanzon was happy with my progress as a missionary. He also notices the progression of our work in our area. 😀 The best thing that happened tonight is when Pres. Guanzon treats us (all Catanduanes missionaries) dinner at Blossoms. We can order all we can eat. It's awesome! Blossoms' food and beverages are great! 😍

with Elder Bacalso near Virac Airport
Elder Irabon
with Elder Bacalso
San Vicente District | Elders Feraer, Bacalso, Moran, and Irabon 
in front of Bro. Ady's van
We're goofing around while waiting for our interviews.
with Elder Moran (DL) and Elder Yu (AP)
Waiting for our order at Blossoms
Catanduanes Zone STLs | Sis. Ogden and Sis. Eracho (photo shot by Elder Moran)

JUNE 26, 2014:
It was a rainy day. This is our first time traveling in the boat while raining. The waves are kinda high. 😨 We arrived safely. We rest a little bit and we still work afterward even though we're really tired from the long travel. We are blessed with 6 lessons. 😊


Notable moments of June 25 to 26:
  • San Vicente District Meeting VI
    • Topic: Asking for referrals
  • Interview with Pres. Guanzon II
  • Free Dinner at Blossoms
  • Rainy boat travel
  • We taught:
    • Anjo - LoC
    • Patrick - Sabbath Day
    • Bro. Robert - Word of Wisdom
    • Angie - Tithing
    • Reden - 10 Commandments
    • Ezekiel - Obey and Honor the Law

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