The Great District

Thursday, November 27, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 223 to 226 |

NOVEMBER 24, 2014:
This is the last week of this transfer cycle. Week 6 also of Elder Bongolan's training. He's halfway there. We did our usual P-Day routine. Most of all, this is the day that we can relax and recharge.

NOVEMBER 25, 2014:
Because of the water shortage yesterday (common dilemma here). I washed my clothes in the morning. I'm happy with the progress of my companion in his training. It's really exciting to fill up the 12-week guide.

NOVEMBER 26, 2014:
We had a good start in our morning work. The Toltol Family invited us and we ate lunch in their home. We're thankful for their kindness. We also had productive work in the afternoon and in the evening. Overall, we had a good day in missionary work today. Later in the evening, the Z.L.'s called us and they told me that Elder Irabon will be transferred and he and Elder Abuel must be in Virac this coming Saturday for the travel preparation. I'm sad that my batchmate and friend need to go but it's kind of expected because he is here since mid-June. I also think that he will become a District Leader in his next area. I really hope so. He deserves it. Before the night ends, I asked him to do the workshop for tomorrow's District Meeting and he accepted it.

NOVEMBER 27, 2014:
We had a District Meeting in the morning and it was also the last D.M. of Elder Irabon here in San Vicente. It was a good one as we expected. 👍 I've been on the mission for eleven months now and so far, I can say that our District right now, is one of the best that I've ever been with. I don't know in my future district if this district can be topped in terms of missionary work (hard work and key indicators). All of us in our district are workhorses and dedicated to our purpose. This District is special and I'm glad to be part of it.

The Great San Vicente District | E. Bongolan, E. Abuel, E. Feraer, and E. Irabon

with the Toltol Family


Notable moments of November 24 to 27:
  • Week 6 starts
  • Laundry... the never-ending story...
  • We taught:
    • Jeric - 2 Nephi 5:10,17,27
    • Daisy - D&C 2
    • Coral-Interior Family - L3 P4-P6
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Book of Mormon Introduction
    • Salvador Family - Law of Chastity
    • Julius - 1 Nephi 3
    • Ezekiel - 1 Nephi 7
    • Anjo - Teaching and learning in the Church
    • Renz - L1 P7-P8
  • Lunch at Toltol Family
  • Pre-Transfer Announcement - E. Irabon
  • San Vicente District Meeting XIX
    • Workshop by Elder Irabon
  • We taught:
    • Trisha - Law of Chastity
    • Ivy - Missionary work
    • Janine - Service

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