11th Month in the Mission

Thursday, November 20, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 219 |

NOVEMBER 20, 2014:
We had a District Meeting in the morning and the Zone Leaders are also with us today. Elder Bongolan did the workshop and I'm proud of him. He is really improving. Haha. In reporting time, I'm proud and happy about what our District is doing right now. Go San Vicente! 😎

(L to R) E. Pulido, E. Bongolan, E. Abuel, me, E. Fifita, and E. Irabon

In the afternoon, after all of our studies, we had memorable companionship exchanges with Elder Fifita. He is really funny! Haha. His moment with my companion is really a LOL moment! 😂

with Elder Fifita

He is playing with Elder Bongolan. He carried him and it supposed to be a picture pose only but he slipped in the mud and tumble all the way to the river!! Hahaha. 😂 It took a while until they got up and they also wash the mud in their slacks in the river but that was a real challenge for their part. Haha. 😆

We still work though and finished all of our appointments. 😁 On a serious note, when we taught the Santelices Family I saw the serious side of Elder Fifita. I'm amazed at how he delivered his testimony especially to the head of the household. He's a gentle giant indeed.

(L to R) E. Bongolan, E. Fifita, Bro. Ronnie, and Daisy
(L to R) E. Bongolan, E. Fifita, Daisy, and me
(L to R) me, E. Fifita, Daisy, and E. Bongolan | Daisy is making fun of the river mud incident of E. Fifita and E. Bongolan. Haha.


Notable moments of this day:
  • 11th month in the mission
  • San Vicente District Meeting XVIII
    • Workshop by Elder Bongolan
  • Companionship Exchanges with Elder Fifita
    • River mud moment
  • We taught:
    • Salvador Family - L3 P4-P6
    • Santelices Family - Atonement
    • Coral-Interior Family - L2 Q3

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