Specialized M.L.C.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 209 to 210 |

NOVEMBER 10, 2014:
Start of long travels again. We woke up and left San Vicente early. We rode the afternoon boat trip from San Andres to Tabaco City. I traveled with the ZLs (Elder Pulido & Elder Fifita), STLs (Sister Ogden & Sister Jovillano), the other two DLs (Elder Ardon & Elder Fua), and my companion Elder Bongolan. We arrived around 5 p.m.

We have a Specialized Mission Leadership Council tomorrow. All of the missionary leaders are invited. The day after tomorrow we also have a Trainer and New Missionary Workshop. I'm a District Leader and Trainer at the same time so I'll be here for 3 days. I hope that I'll learn a lot that I can apply in my area when I get back. I also bought and replace my eyeglass. There's a good ophthalmologist here in Tabaco City. My companion and I replace our old ones. It was a long and tiring day. We slept in the Tabaco ZL's apartment (my first apartment in the field).

NOVEMBER 11, 2014:
We woke up and prepared early because there's a lot of us (elders) in the apartment. Today was the specialized M.L.C. and usually the ZLs and STLs together with Pres. and Sis. Guanzon, and the office Elders are present. For this day, all of us DLs are also invited.

We also had a special guest and he is the leader of Family History here in the Philippines. He did a wonderful lesson and workshop for us about Family History. The Lord is hastening his work and we must also help and become instruments for doing and helping others to do family history for all of our ancestors. I'm proud that my area (San Vicente Branch) is leading in terms of submitters. That was awesome! 😃 The leaders and members in San Vicente are working tirelessly in it. They are passionate about it. 😊

During the workshop, President Guanzon told us the importance of BCRs again. Starting today, the District Leaders have been given the responsibilities of finding (the lost ones) and taking care of the BCRs. I will definitely do it when I return back to San Vicente. I know there's a lot of missing BCRs there from previous missionaries before. It is really important to send the BCR as soon as possible after the person got baptized and confirmed.

Ligao Zone | E. Corio (ZL), S. Amato (STL), S. Sorenson (STL), and E. Neville (ZL)
Tabaco Zone | E. Colimay (ZL), E. Decicio (ZL), S. Flake (STL), and S. Alabanza (STL)
Catanduanes Zone | E. Fifita (ZL), E. Pulido (ZL), S. Ogden (STL), and S. Jovillano (STL)
Legazpi Zone | S. Fabia (STL), S. Christensen (STL), E. Pasadillo (ZL), and E. Cameron (ZL)
Sorsogon Zone | E. Pichay (ZL), E. Nielsen (ZL), S. Sanchez (STL), and S. Ianuzi (STL)
Bulan Zone | S.Vi (STL), S. Natividad (STL), E. Cagas (ZL), and E. Urian (ZL)
Masbate Zone | E. Celiz (ZL), E. Moss (ZL), S. Villeza (STL), and S. Reategui (STL)
Guinobatan Zone | E. Temeras (ZL), E. Bazar (ZL), S. Boddupalli (STL), and S. Gardner (STL)
Office Elders | E. Linao (Secretary), E. Hatch (A.P.), E. Yu (A.P.), E. Kelly (Finance), and E. Tevaga (A.P.)
(L to R) S. Christensen, S. Ianuzi, S. Gardner, Sis. Guanzon, Pres. Guanzon, E. Manning, and E. Wilcox
(L to R) E. Linao, E. Yu, E. Alolor, and E. Fua
(L to R) E. Decicio, E. Colimay, and E. Cameron
(L to R) E. Davis, E. Corio, E. Dollete, E. Pulido, E. Medios, E. Nelson, E. Angeles, E. Celiz, and E. Gabriel
S. Alabanza, S. Reategui, and the background Elders
(L to R) E. Nierves, E. Urian, E. Cagas, E. Dollete, E. Feraer, and E. Haymond
Back | E. Alolor, E. Urian, E. Agbayani, E. Fua, E. Manning, E. Nierves
Front | S. Fabia, S. Alabanza, S. Ianuzi, S. Gardner, S. Christensen, E. Abenis, E. Linao
TOP | E. Nelson, E. Wilcox, E. Pichay, E. Gabriel, E. Pasadillo, E. Angeles, E. Hernandez, E. Whitney, E. Andrada, E. Matautia, E. Celiz, E. Nielsen, E. Manning, E. Corio, E. Medios, E. Feraer, E. Colimay, E. Temeras, E. Bazar, E. Yu, E. Hatch, and E. Kelley
MIDDLE | E. Linao, Pres. Guanzon, E. Cagas, E. Agbayani, E. Urian, E. Fua, E. Davis, E. Alolor, E. Decicio, E. Surio, E. Cameron, E. Moss, E. O'Connor, E. Tevaga, E. Moncur, E. Akins, E. Riodique, E. Poulton, E. Haymond, E. Pascua, E. Nierves, E. Pulido, E. Neville, E. Peralta, E. Ardon, E. Fifita, and Elder & Sister Wilcox
BOTTOM | S. Fabia, S. Christensen, S. Villeza, S. Reategui, S. Ogden, S. Jovillano, Sis. Guanzon, S. Vi, S. Natividad, S. Alabanza, S. Sanchez, S. Ianuzi, S. Amato, S. Sorenson, S. Flake, S. Boddupalli, and S. Gardner
Leader Batchmates | S. Villeza (STL), E. Andrada (DL), E. Matautia (DL), and me 

Elder Fifita and I helped clean the room, arranged the chairs and other stuff with the APs. We are with them because we will sleep in their apartment in Daraga because I will be in tomorrow's meeting also. Elder Fifita became my temporary companion because he will be checked up tomorrow in Legazpi. Elder Pulido will be with my companion and we will meet all in here tomorrow. 

There was an unexpected thing that happened after we dropped off some of the equipment at the mission home. President Guanzon invited us for dinner!! Woah. I think this is kind of usual for the office elders but for me and Elder Fifita it was surprising. Haha. Personally, I never expected that I will be inside the mission home early in my mission. They said that office Elders and departing missionaries had the experience of entering it. I felt shy and awkward at first because I am eating dinner together with our Mission President. Eventually, I loosened up, and Pres. Guanzon is really nice. I saw the other side of him from being a father. Sister Guanzon was really welcoming too. She's really like a mother to all of us. The APs are funny too especially Elder Hatch. Haha. This was an unexpected and awesome experience.

with the Assistants to the President | E. Yu, E. Tevaga, me, and E. Hatch


Notable moments of November 10 to 11:
  • Long travels
  • New eyeglass
  • Specialize Mission Leadership Council
    • Family History
    • BCR
  • Mission Home experience!
    • Dinner with President Guanzon

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