
Monday, November 17, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 216 |

NOVEMBER 17, 2014:
We did our P-Day routine in the morning and the afternoon. We proselyted at night and I had a funny moment with my companion. He looked like Jun Sabayton tonight. Haha. 😂 We're not the type of super-serious companionship or a wild one. We're just in the middle who like to have fun every once in a while. We just balance it. Most of all, I really wanted us to be a hard-working companionship that's why we're really working hard in our area.

(L to R) E. Bongolan, Erickson, and me
Ivy and Francis
(L to R) Malonzo, Ivy, and Francis


Notable moments of this day:
  • Pringles, Vincent's black dragon, Jun Sabayton's mustache, Spider web art.

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