Blesser & Passer

Sunday, November 09, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 208 |

NOVEMBER 9, 2014:
Blessed Sunday! A lot of our investigators, new, and returning members attends sacrament meeting today. 😃 Two of our recent converts are doing their priesthood duties for the first time. Abel was one of the blessers together with the guidance of my companion. His younger brother, Abelardo Jr. was one of the passers. I'm really happy to see them and doing their part as a young priesthood in San Vicente Branch. I'm proud of them. 😌

with JR and the "investigator" of E. Irabon & E. Abuel
with Abelardo Jr. and Francis
with Francis and Abel

We had a good week overall. We had 36 lessons. Next week will be busy for both of us. We have two meetings in Legazpi so probably we will not be around in our area for almost a week.


Notable moments of this day:
  • Abel and Abelardo Jr. blessed and passed in the sacrament for the first time
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely T. - 3 Nephi 18:18-21
    • Rachelle - L1 P3-P6
    • Malonzo - L1 P5-P8
    • Coral-Interior Family - L2 Q2

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