Catanduanes Zone Training VI

Saturday, November 15, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 212 to 214 |

NOVEMBER 13, 2014:
We're back in Catanduanes! We arrived early than the ZLs because they still got something to do in Albay. Later on, our fellow San Vicente Elders also arrived in the ZL's apartment because we have a Zone Training tomorrow. It also means that my companion and I will be out in our area for another two days. 😩 Elder Pulido made some cool picture collage on their wall. At night, we ate dinner at the Woyoyo Burgers and we had a fun hide and seek moment with Elder Fifita, Elder Abuel, and Elder Irabon. Haha. 😂

NOVEMBER 14, 2014:
Zone Training! It is the last Z.T. of Elder Fifita and Sister Ogden. They will return home soon after this transfer cycle. We will miss both of them. They are good leaders. After the training, all of us Catanduanes Elders ate lunch at Food Trip. We worked in the Z.L.'s area here in Virac at night after our studies. I don't know how many times I worked here in Virac, but I'm familiar with some of their investigators and members in their teaching pool especially the Cal Family. They are nice.

San Vicente Elders | E. Feraer, E. Bongolan, E. Abuel, and E. Irabon
Trainers and Trainees | me, E. Bongolan, E. Agustin, and E. Benson
SV Elders with Elder Fifita
San Vicente Elders | E. Feraer, E. Bongolan, E. Abuel, and E. Irabon
Batchmates | S. Abasanta, me, and E. Irabon
Tabaco Comrades | E. Lethaby, me, and E. Abuel
Catandues Zone
| E. Peterson, E. Ardon, E. Agustin, S. Abasanta, S. Cobales, S. Caisip, S. Buban, S. Ogden, S. Aholelei, S. Jovillano, S. Jemino, E. Olayao
Sitting | E. Fifita, E. Irabon, E. Abuel, E. Benson, E. Pulido, E. Miller, E. Lethaby, E. Feraer, E. Bongolan
(L to R) E. Peterson, E. Fifita, me, and E. Abuel
(L to R) E. Agustin, E. Pulido, E. Ardon, E. Fua, Food Trip Crew, E. Lethaby, and E. Benson

NOVEMBER 15, 2014:
We're finally back in San Vicente! Elder Bongolan and I are almost out in our area for almost one week. We've only got one whole day left to proselyte for this week. 😞

with Elder Abuel


Notable moments of November 13 to 15:
  • Woyoyo Burgers
  • Catanduanes Zone Training VI
  • Green Goblin attire
  • Lunch at Food Trip
  • Night Proselyting at Virac
  • Back in San Vicente

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