Trainers and Trainees Workshop (as a Trainer)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 211 |

NOVEMBER 12, 2014:
We're still here in Legazpi and it's my third day here. Today we had a Trainer and Trainees workshop. I'm really proud of Elder Bongolan because he is doing really well in his training. He's humble and willing to learn. We're united in doing our best in San Vicente. The schedule today was not as hectic as yesterday. My companion was so excited to meet his batchmates. Haha. I'm happy to see my wardmate again and I'm glad that she's doing fine.

As usual, the trainers and trainees are separated into two groups. The trainees are with Elder Yu (AP) and Elder Tevega (AP), while we trainers are with Elder Hatch (AP). There were some questions about experiences and obedience during these sessions like my experience before when I was a trainee. President Guanzon had an excellent workshop. He emphasizes the importance of inviting the investigators to be baptized in the first meeting. He taught all of us again especially the trainees to have a lot of faith while asking it. He also shows different ways of asking it.

We took a group photo of this batch of new missionaries with their own respective trainers at the back. President & Sister Guanzon and Elder & Sister Wilcox are also in it.

Standing (Trainers) w/ the Wilcoxes | S. Sebia, S. Maualuga, S. Leonardo, S. Genegaling, S. Ilago, S. Lesa, Sister & Elder Wilcox, E. O'Connor, E. Matautia, E. Benson, E. Manning, E. Cabacungan, E. Siarez, E. Feraer, E. Savedra, E. Savedra, E. Pangilinan
Sitting (Trainees) w/ the Guanzons | S. Santiago, S. Matthes, S. Surigao, S. Dellona, S. Lopez, S. Centeno, Sister & President Guanzon, E. Alvaro, E. Dalit, E. Agustin, E. Dollete, E. Shumway, E. Robinson, E. Bongolan, E. Witehira, E. Rupp

After the group pictures, each companionship had a picture with President Guanzon and Sister Guanzon.

Elder Benson & Elder Agustin
Elder Alvaro & Elder O'Connor
Sister Surigao & Sister Leonardo
Sister Santiago and Sister Sebia
Sister Maualuga & Sister Matthes
Elder Shumway & Elder Cabacungan
Elder Bongolan and Elder Feraer
Elder Dalit and Elder Matautia
Elder Savedra and Elder Witehira
Elder Manning and Elder Dollete
Elder Pangilinan and Elder Rupp
Sister Genegaling and Sister Dellona
Sister Ilago and Sister Lopez
Elder Siarez and Elder Robinson
Sister Centeno and Sister Lesa
That left pic is a funny pic. 😂 | with Elder Bongolan

We went to Pacific Mall after the workshop and we ate dinner at the 1st Colonial Grill. I recommend a unique dessert for my companion. Sili (chili pepper) ice cream!! 😁 Haha. I tried it once before and it is a must-have in this restaurant.

It was fun and a good day overall. We'll be going back to Catanduanes tomorrow. 😊


Notable moments of this day:
  • Trainers and Trainees Workshop

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