Rising Up!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 221 to 222 |

NOVEMBER 22, 2014:
It's only Saturday today and base on our work these past several days I can feel that we're doing great this week. We had balanced work today. I'm happy that we had a successful appointment with our investigators and the members of our teaching pool. We had a memorable lesson with one of our less-active members and we felt that he and his family will attend church again tomorrow. We're hoping for the best in all of them. We also invited/reminded all of the investigators/members to attend church tomorrow. I have a good feeling about this. I'm excited for tomorrow! 😃

with E. Bongolan

NOVEMBER 23, 2014:
A blessed Sunday! Many members and investigators attend church today! 😃 I know that church attendance here is consistently high but today is way more than usual. We also hit most of the SoE this week (IBD, IASM, MP, PI, RCLA, NRM-ASM) and had a total of 44 lessons! 😃 It's always fun to work hard for our Heavenly Father and the people in our area. ☝

(L to R) Carla, me, Pres. Lopez, and E. Bongolan (w/ Bingay and K.C.)
Sis. Vergie and the Minaili kids
(L to R) E. Bongolan, me, Pres. Lopez, E. Irabon, and E. Abuel (w/ Garcia kid and K.C.)


Notable moments of November 22 to 23:
  • We taught:
    • Ezekiel - 1 Nephi 6
    • Julius - 1 Nephi 3
    • Rochelle - L1 P6-P8
    • Carlo - Pray often
    • Coral-Interior Family - L3 P1-P3
    • Salvador Family - Word of Wisdom
  • We taught:
    • Daisy & Liezel - Follow the Prophet
    • Trisha - Word of Wisdom
    • Rica - L3 P1-P3
    • Malonzo - Word of Wisdom

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