District Exercise

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 204 |

NOVEMBER 5, 2014:
We are still doing our 30-day challenge exercise and we added "fun" this time. We bought a ball yesterday and we woke up early today. We started playing this morning during our exercise time and it was really fun. It's been a while since I played. Fortunately, most of my housemates except for my companion know how to play. Elder Bongolan is also an NBA fan like me and has a decent knowledge of basketball. But that knowledge didn't turn in his skills though. As a district, we don't leave anyone behind and we will help him know how to play basketball properly. We will teach him basics during our exercise time and hopefully, by the end of his training, he will know how to play properly.

We worked in the afternoon and we received and contacted a referral. We also had a chance to teach him and it looks like he is interested in the gospel. We had a return appointment. 😀


Notable moments of this day:
  • Started playing basketball during our exercise.
  • We taught:
    • Malonzo Torado (NI)
    • Daisy & Liezel - Baptism and Confirmation

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