An Old Man's Faith

Sunday, November 02, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 201 |

NOVEMBER 2, 2014:
After the sacrament meeting and Sunday school sessions, I had a baptismal interview with my former investigator before the realignment of areas. I had a chance to meet and helped him during my early days here in San Vicente with Elder Bacalso. He is living alone in a small house near the boundaries of Sagrada and Sitio Tondo. Tatay Villamartin is really special for us. Why so special? Because he did many sacrifices just to attend church every Sunday and even before I got here he hardly misses attending sacrament meetings. Despite his old age and poor eyesight, he is walking in his own strength even though it was far and risky sometimes. What an incredible faith he has! He is really dedicated to obeying the commandments of our Heavenly Father in his latter days in this life.

(L to R) E. Bongolan, me, Tatay Villamartin, E. Irabon, and E. Abuel

I'm glad that I am the one that interviewed him. At first, I thought he has Alzheimer's but he proved me wrong. He answers all the baptismal interview questions correctly and clearly and I can hear in his voice his overflowing faith. This must be one of my most memorable interviews ever! We are all happy that he passed the interview and will be baptized soon! 😃 Kudos to Elder Irabon for helping Tatay Villamartin spiritually and physically since the day he was assigned to them. He really cares so much and really dedicated to Tatay Villamartin. I really salute him because of that. His companionship with Elder Abuel is really doing great also. They are united.

Elder Bongolan and I reached many SoE(s) in our first whole week together. We also had 42 lessons this week. There's a lot of our investigators, recent converts, returning members attends church today and we are super happy about it! 😀 It was a great day and week overall. It's a good start! 😊


Notable moments of this day:
  • Baptismal Interview:
    • Tatay Villamartin - Passed
  • We taught:
    • Emmalyn - L2 Q1

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