Back For a Day in My First Area

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 43 |

MAY 28, 2014:
We traveled to Tabaco because there will be a Multi-Zone Conference tomorrow. Yes! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack to Tabaco for a day or two! 😍 I miss my first apartment and I saw Elder Todd again! Haha. Tomorrow we'll be reunited with my very first housemates. I'm excited! 😀

On our way out at the Tabaco Port
On our way to my very first apartment in Tabaco City.

 When we (all Catanduanes Elders) arrived, Elder Todd assigned all of us in different parts of Tabaco to work and find people to teach. Surprisingly, he assigned me and my companion to work with my previous and first area in Comun!! He really knows where I wanna go. Haha. I'm really thankful to "kapnala" E. Todd! 😃 He is also a man of his word, he gave me a BR page. He is nearing the end of his mission days. He is a very strict leader but he is a good friend.

When Elder Bacalso and I arrived in Comun Elder's apartment. We are warmly received by my previous companion, Elder Carpio. We're all reunited! Haha. He is also a former companion of Elder Bacalso which is also a former companion of Elder Carpio's current companion, Elder Ruben. Whew! That's a lot of connection. 😅 I worked with Elder Ruben. He is the one that I replaced in San Vicente. We exchanged area. I told him how's Sagrada area is doing and he is really happy to know that the Gonzales siblings have been baptized. He is also close to the Toltol family and he wants to send his regards to some of the families in Sagrada.

Study Room of Comun B Elders.
Letters from Sis. Joy and some members of Comun Group.
Throwback picture of my previous (E. Carpio - left) and current (E. Bacalso - right) companions. Haha. 😂

This was a heartwarming day for me. I am really glad that I had a chance to return again for a day in my first area. I was able to visit/teach the happy Delos Santos Family, Bonaobra Family, Denver, and Tatay Jess. They are all happy to see me too. I'm really happy to see all of them. I just wished there was more time because I wasn't able to meet some of the members in Comun. I just told Elder Ruben to send my regards to them. When we went back to their new apartment, Elder Carpio gave me a letter from some of the members in Comun and I am so happy that they still remember me. 😊 It was a great day overall. 😃


Notable moments of this day:
  • Back to Tabaco
  • Back to Comun
    • Working with Elder Ruben
    • Visited the Delos Santos Family, Bonaobra Family, Tatay Jess, and Denver

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