Cagnipa Adventures

Saturday, May 24, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 39 |

MAY 24, 2014:
C.S.P. in Sagrada School was canceled and they re-scheduled it for some other day. Our D.L. decided to join the branch activity. We all joined them and we went to Cagnipa together with some members lead by our Branch Mission Leader, Bro. Ronnie. It was a long walk to get there. To get to Cagnipa we must climb a medium-size rocky part of a mountain. They all made it to the other side easily except for me. I was having a hard time because I have a fear of heights. 😅 Thankfully, Sis. Mary Rose and Sis. Daisy helped me. It's really awkward for me because I felt very unmanly at that time. Haha. It's really hard to overcome this fear.

Along the way, they found sugar canes and they gave me one. It's really nice and sweet.
They also climb and got coconuts. It's delicious! My fave. | (L to R) Monica, Robert, Daisy, Mary Rose & E.Bagaoisan
We didn't have a machete so we have to open it in a different way like Bro. Ronnie did on this picture.
Front: Daisy and Bro. Ronnie | Back: Mary Rose, Monica, E. Bagaoisan, Robert, and me
(L to R) Mary Rose, Daisy, and Me
(L to R) Robert, Bro. Ronnie, and Me
(L to R) Mary Rose, Monica, Vergie, a Kid, Melissa, and Me
The fat kid inside.
They also catch a lot of fish using a net lead by Sis. Pearl, she can also climb trees and do other stuff. She's a jack of all trades.
My favorite fish here, Flying fish! We grilled it. 😀


Notable moments of this day:
  • Cagnipa adventures!

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