Companionship Exchanges with Elder Webb

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 41 to 42 |

MAY 26, 2014:
We left early in the morning and rode a boat to Bagamanoc Proper and then a bus to Virac. We spent our P-Day today in Virac because we have exchanges with the Zone Leaders tomorrow in their area.

Roofdeck of the ZL's apartment in Virac. We often slept here at night when we are here.

MAY 27, 2014:
Today is the exchange with the Z.L.s and this time we are with Elder Webb, he is an American. He is a good, kinda weird, and funny guy. He is also a well-experienced and great missionary. We spent most of the day on tracting in Ocean View village. It was my first time to tract in a middle-class area. It was a new experience for me. We also went and taught in their area at the relocation site.

with Elder Webb (ZL)
(L to R) Me, Elder Webb, and Elder Bacalso


Notable moments of May 26 to 27:
  • Exchanges with Elder Webb
    • Tracting at Ocean View
    • Working in Relocation Site

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