Traveling in Catanduanes

Saturday, May 31, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 46 |

MAY 31, 2014:
We bought some food and other supplies for two weeks because it will be a long time until we can come back to Virac again. One thing that is unique for me here in Catanduanes is their way of transportation. It is really exciting to travel here. Today, we tried another way to ride on a bus. We're on top of it! Haha. It's full inside so we did it. I also bought a cowboy hat to protect me from the heat. I felt nervous at first but along the way, I get used to it like a king! Haha! Bro. Albert picked us up around 8pm and we rode on his boat to Minaili. We arrived safely. We're all tired so we slept early.

On top of the Bus


Notable moments of this day:
  • Grocery shopping
  • Topload
  • Boat at night

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