Zone Conference: Tabaco, Catanduanes & Masbate

Friday, May 30, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 44 to 45 |

MAY 29, 2014:
We had a Zone Conference at Tabaco Chapel. It's my first time to experience this and we are with Tabaco and some of the Masbate missionaries. It's really good to see other missionaries especially my former zone mates in Tabaco. It is also my first time to see Elder Yu as an A.P.

President Guanzon's workshop was about companionship study. I learned how important it is. We also did practice teaching. I'm also the one assigned in opening prayer. Maybe E. Yu is the one who is responsible for it. Haha. Pres. Guanzon also called me to answer one of his questions and thanks to our practice teaching with Sis. Pareja because I answered it well. After the workshop, we feast and took a lot of pictures before we leave. 😊

(L to R) S. Reategui, S. Leonardo, S. Boddupalli, S. Kwong, S. Whaanga, S. Tingabngab, S. McCoard, S. Pimentel
(L to R) S. Erickson, S. Eracho, S. Phillips, S. Christensen, S. Lapuz, S. Abasanta, S. Sabado, S. De Guzman, S. Natividad, S. Pareja
(L to R) E. Centeno, E. Feraer, E. Bagaoisan, E. Bacalso, E. Moran
(L to R) E. Pasadillo, E. Torrejos, E. Medios, Pres. Guanzon, E. Abuel, E. Lethaby
(L to R) E. Urian, *Unknown*, S. Ogden, S. Green, S. Sanchez, E. Nielsen, E. Boysillo, E. Lilo
(L to R) E. Moss, E. Kelly, E. Hernandez, E. Brown, E. Andrada, E. Yu, E. Madsen
(L to R) E. Anulao, E. Walters, E. Riodique, E. Merrick, E. Lesatele, E. Olayao, *Unknown*, E. Colimay
(L to R) E. Bacalso, me, E. Ruben, and E. Carpio
My first three companions. 😀
(L to R) E. Carpio, E. Bacalso, me, and E. Nielsen
My batchmates | (L to R) E. Matautia, E. Andrada, me, S. Abasanta, and S. Erickson
(L to R) E. Andrada, E. Yu, and me
(L to R) E. Centeno, S. Pareja, E. Yu, and E. Moran
(L to R) E. Bagaoisan, E. Anulao, E. Bacalso, me, E. Moran, E. Centeno
(L to R) E. Andrada, E. Todd, E. Madsen, E. Hernandez, and me
(L to R) S. Christensen, S. De Guzman, E. Yu, E. Urian, E. Bacalso, and E. Olayao
(L to R) E. Kelly, E. Centeno, and E. Moran
with my fellow Caviteño, E. Riodique
E. Pasadillo and E. Moran
(L to R) S. Erickson, E. Centeno, me, and E. Moran
with one of the A.P.s, Elder Madsen
(L to R) E. Centeno, E. Kelly, E. Moran, E. Neville
with my Kapnalas | (L to R) E. Todd, E. Yu, me, E. Nielsen
Top (L to R) | E. Bacalso, E. Feraer, E. Bagaoisan, E. Moran (DL), E. Centeno (ZL), E. Webb (ZL), E. Nielsen (DL), E. Kelly (Finance), E. Olayao, E. Madsen (AP)
(L to R) |  S. Phillips, S. Christensen (STL), S. Erickson, S. Eracho (STL), S. Abasanta, S. Lapuz, E. Moss, E. Merrick, E. Boysillo, E. Brown (AP), E. Yu (AP)
Bottom (L to R) | S. Kwong, S. Boddupalli, S. Guanzon & Pres. Guanzon (Mission President), E. Wilcox & S. Wilcox (Couple Missionaries), S. Nelson & E. Nelson (Couple Missionaries)

Before we leave Comun area I bid my farewell to the Delos Santos Family and Tatay Jess. The sad turning point of the day is when I lost my camera. 😟

MAY 30, 2014:
Thanks to the Zone Leaders because they allowed me and my companion to stay in Tabaco for a while to look for my camera and recover some files at Photoline. We will ride on the afternoon boat trip instead. Luckily, I recovered some files from my previous camera but unfortunately, my new camera was really gone. After all the thinking, I decided to buy a new one. I withdraw some of my personal money and bought a new one at Photoline. It's a Nikon Coolpix A10 and it will be my 3rd camera in the mission. 😔 We traveled back to Catanduanes safely. Thanks for the concern from the Virac ZLs. It was a long and tiring day. 😩

My 3rd camera in the mission, I name it "Nin"


Notable moments of May 29 to 30:
  • Multi-Zone Conference
    • Workshop: Companionship Study
  • Reunion
  • Camera got lost
  • Afternoon Boat Trip
  • Recovered some files
  • Bought a new camera

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