CSP: San Vicente Elementary School

Friday, May 23, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 37 to 38 |

MAY 22, 2014:
In the morning we did a little service. We helped San Vicente Elementary School in cleaning, carrying, and moving some stuff. After doing the heavy stuff we eat buko (coconut) in Garcia's farm. We rest a little bit afterward.

Behind that white mask was a "struggling to lift" face. 😂
We walk towards Garcia's farm.
I volunteered to carry Bro. Ronel's son.
Elder Bacalso with his Hip hop construction worker outfit. 
Well deserved rest. 😴
It's really nice to lie down under the tree and the air is breezing.

We also had a District Meeting today and there was a challenge that we must speak English all the time. Haha. I miss our house rule in Tabaco it's kind of similar. 😁 We had a good district meeting. The topic was "revelation through church attendance".

In the afternoon we proselyte and I'm happy for my companion. He did something good and made the right choice. From now on we will step up our missionary work. I'm excited about it! 😃 Bro. Bernard, Sis. Gina, and Sis. Elizabeth worked with us today.

MAY 23, 2014:
We woke up early and we jogged. It was really exhausting! I'm just in my early 20s but my cardio is weak. I felt like I'm really old. Haha. 😅 We had a good day in missionary work and we might found another potential progressing investigator. 

with some of the Sagrada Kids


Notable moments of May 22 to 23:
  • CSP at SVES
  • Eating unlimited buko at Garcia's.
  • San Vicente District Meeting IV
    • Topic: Revelation Through Prayer
  • We taught:
    • Gonzales Siblings
    • Elijah
    • Julius
    • Anjo
    • Ara Family
  • Jogging
  • Gloomy day inside
  • We taught:
    • Elijah
    • Ibardaloza Kids
    • Julius
    • Gonzales Siblings
    • Judy Ann Delos Santos (NI)

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