
Wednesday, May 07, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 20 to 22 |

MAY 5, 2014:
A normal P-day. Same electricity shortage scenario. More often than not, there's always no electricity from 5pm to 3am. So sleeping at night is challenging because of mosquitoes and it's really hot. There is also something that bothers me right now. In my personal study, I read about Psalms 37:8 and this is a good verse for me in everything that's happening around my "surroundings" right now. I also need to work out on my Christ-like attribute of patience again. I'm also reading Gospel Principles and I'm in Chapter 12. It was about the atonement of Jesus Christ and I really like how Elder Boyd K. Packer illustrated the atonement to us. It will help me in my understanding and teaching.

MAY 6, 2014:
I initiated doing WPS because it's really important to always have a plan ahead of time. I also shut down the unplanned idea of another "CSP lite (not in our area)" because I know that we should be on our own area working, teaching, and helping the people out there. That's our priority and responsibility. It turned out good and we are productive today.

MAY 7, 2014:
This day didn't start well. I focus my attention on reading and studying all day. I felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost. It is really stressful today but I know Heavenly Father will always help me through these things.

There are also no teaching appointments today because all the people in Sagrada are busy preparing for the start of the traditional feast for tomorrow.


Notable moments of May 5 to May 7:
  • Psalms 37:8
  • Doing the right thing
  • We taught:
    • Gonzales Siblings - Baptism & Confirmation
    • Samudio Family - Obey and Honor the Law
    • Reden - L2
    • Gerald - L3
    • Gleziel - Pray often
  • 1 Nephi 3 moment

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