Catanduanes Zone Training I (Diligence)

Friday, May 16, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 30 to 31 |

MAY 15, 2014:
We left early in the morning. It was my first time to ride on a boat from San Vicente to Bagamanoc Proper. Then we rode a bus after that and it was a long 3-hour ride to Virac. 😑 There is a Zone Training tomorrow and it is a must that we arrived in Virac a day before so we can attend on time. It's automatic when you are assigned to a far far away area like San Vicente. We ate dinner at Blossoms Resto. The food there is delicious!

MAY 16, 2014:
It was my very first Zone Training here in Catanduanes. I was assigned to recite Diligent in CLA. It's been a while since I saw my trainer and first companion, Elder Nielsen. He loses a lot of weight, maybe because of stress or something. I also saw my batchmate, Sister Abasanta. I'm happy that she is a trainer now. She's a good missionary. Sister Erickson is also here in Catanduanes. It's always nice to see my fellow batchmates. 😀

(L to R) Sis. Lapuz, Sis. Abasanta, and Me.

After the Zone Training, we didn't stay that long in Virac Chapel because we planned on going back to San Vicente right away. We are on a rush schedule. We arrived in Bagamanoc Proper around 6pm and we rented a boat and travel at night in the sea. It was really dark and the visibility is not that good and it's kinda dangerous to travel via boat at night. Nevertheless, the sky is so beautiful. Lying on the boat to watch the stars is so relaxing. Thanks to Heavenly Father we arrived safely at our destination.


Notable moments of May 15 to 16:
  • First time to travel via boat from San Vicente to Bagamamoc Proper
  • Sis. Matet and her friend treat us dinner at Blossoms
  • Catanduanes Zone Training I
    • Met Sensei Nielsen again
    • Met my batchmates (S. Abasanta & S. Erickson) again
  • Travel at night via boat

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