5th Month in the Mission

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 35 to 36 |

MAY 20, 2014:
Today is my 5th month in the mission field. We did the usual things that we do. We also taught the Gonzales siblings, Elijah, and the Ara Family. Elder Bacalso and I also helped "Nanay" Ara in wood chopping. 🪓

To celebrate this day I cooked spaghetti macaroni. It's my first time to cook pasta and I also shared it with my companion.

MAY 21, 2014:
A not so exciting day overall. The only good thing that happened is the things that I learned in reading the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ & His Apostles.


Notable moments of May 20 to 21:
  • 5th month in the mission
  • Wood chopping at Sitio Tondo
  • We taught:
    • Gonzales Siblings
    • Elijah
    • Ara Family
  • First time cooking pasta
  • Re-arranged BR

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