7th Month in the Mission

Sunday, July 20, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 96 |

JULY 20, 2014:
This week is "Storm Glenda Week". No proselyting missionary work for the whole week but we did community service these past few days. There is still no electricity and there's only sacrament meeting today.

Today was also my 7th month in the mission field as well with my batchmates Elder Aguilando and Elder Irabon. Time flies so fast. We are reminiscing our days in the MTC and the days that we are trainees. 😅

Elder Feraer, Elder Aguilando, and Elder Irabon. (Photo taken with E. Moran's camera)


Notable moments of this day:
  • 7th month
  • No electricity - Day 6
  • Reminiscing

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