Getting Supplies in Virac

Thursday, July 17, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 93 |

JULY 17, 2014:
Finally, there's no more storm today. There's also a boat trip again to Bagamanoc Proper so we went to Virac to get some support and needed supplies. There's no bank, groceries, or any establishment in San Vicente or nearby areas. There are very limited options out there so every once in a while we need to go to the main city of Catanduanes which is in Virac. Unfortunately, when we got to Virac most of the ATM machines are offline. Luckily, we found one that is working and we just need to stay patient and wait longer because of the long line. It is better than nothing. 👍 Our housemates (E. Moran & E. Irabon) is also in Virac. I think MLT was also postponed. We did our usual city routines and most importantly we bought some supplies. We ate dinner at Foodtrip Resto. Grilled liempo and unlimited rice is heaven right now. 😋

San Vicente District (L to R): E. Irabon, E. Feraer, E. Aguilando, and E. Moran
with E. Aguilando


Notable moments of this day:
  • No electricity - Day 3
  • Went to Virac for supplies
  • Dinner at Foodtrip
  • Got a Shin Chan speaker

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