CSP: Tropical Storm Glenda Aftermath

Saturday, July 19, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 94 to 95 |

JULY 18, 2014:
We went back to San Vicente. We cleaned our apartment and we did community service. We helped some people in our area in any way that we can especially the victim of Glenda. There's still no electricity today.

We ate in One to Sawa Resto before we left Virac. One of the few unlimited rice Resto in Virac.

JULY 19, 2014:
There's still no proselyting and electricity today. President Guanzon told all of us missionaries to help and do CSP this week. We helped in cleaning, repairing, and all the ways that we can. In studying, I read the missionary white handbook again. I also organize my stuff.


Notable moments of July 18 to 19:
  • Breakfast at One to Sawa
  • Went back to San Vicente
  • No electricity - Day 4
  • CSP
  • No electricity - Day 5
  • CSP

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