Awesome July!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 104 to 107 |

JULY 28, 2014:
P-Day. The usual stuff and routine. Reading family e-mails are always the only exciting part.

JULY 29, 2014:
We did tracting in the morning but it failed again. From my experience, tracting in a small community are a lot challenging especially when you visit all the houses possible. There will be a point that you have no other house to visit and tract. Fortunately, there are members here in the San Vicente branch that are helping us by giving us referrals. Our recent converts came from referrals. That's more effective and also completing the part member families.

We continued teaching our recent investigators in the afternoon and our RCLAs at night. We also met another member of the Castillo Family (our recent family investigators).

JULY 30, 2014:
There's only one successful appointment in the morning, the rest are busy or not in their home as expected. The most important thing is we tried and did our part. We focus on our investigators for the rest of the day.

JULY 31, 2014:
The last day of the month. We had a District Meeting in the Morning. Even though things are kinda shaky in the last few days we had an awesome month overall. I'm happy for all the hard work that we did, the SoE's, especially the baptisms of Sis. Ivy and Sis. Janine. 😊


Notable moments of July 28 to 31:
  • Parsons-Mavs
  • New Testament Stories
    • Borrowed from Sis. Daisy
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Joy S. - Obedience | Mosiah 2:22
    • Castillo Family - L1 P3-P4
      • NI - JR Castillo
    • Digz - L2 Q1
    • Julius - Priesthood & Auxiliaries | D&C 88:119
    • Liezel - Scripture Study | 2 Nephi 32:3
    • Tolin Siblings - Service | Mosiah 2:17
    • Tuquero Siblings - L2
    • Elijah - 1 Nephi 12
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Eternal Marriage | D&C 131:1-4
    • Castillo Family - L1 P3-P6
    • Sis. Laila - Word of Wisdom
    • Francis - L2
    • Tuquero Siblings - L3
  • Saratov Approach
  • San Vicente District Meeting VIII
  • "Shaky"

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