Last Day with Elder Bacalso

Monday, July 07, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 83 |

JULY 7, 2014:
We're in Virac and this is the last day of my companionship with Elder Bacalso. The A.P. called us and they told me that I'll be no longer a Junior. I'll be the Senior on my next companionship. It will be an added responsibility. Honestly, I'm content on being a Junior and just following around my senior companion. 😅

The shocking moment that happened today is when Pres. Guanzon called us and he talked and asked my companion about something. It was a piece of bad news. A bad rumor reached Pres. Guanzon about my companion and he asked him about it. That moment hit Elder Bacalso really hard. We thought that this emergency transfer was not about him or something but it's the other way around. 😔 He was really sad and he is in a negative mood. Because of that incident he really wanted to go home and not finish his mission. He didn't want to get transferred tomorrow. I understand his feelings. I'm sad and kind of disappointed too. We're doing great in these past several weeks. We're really killing it in our key indicators. We're really working hard and this thing happened. Whoever that malicious mouth that sent bad rumor about my companion, God bless him/her.

I and the Zone Leaders talked to him and we all gave advice. As much as possible I am trying to comfort him. He is not just my companion, he is also my friend. I want to help him overcome this trial that came upon him. We had many good times together. I learned so much from him about teaching and doctrines. I'll treasure it. I really hope he will move on from this incident.

Elder Feraer & Elder Bacalso


Notable moments of this day:
  • Devastating day of Elder Bacalso

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